Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week 9
Had a look on Youtube. Great if you're really into music as you can get to see videos from lots of concerts around the world that you could never get to or afford to go to. Also you don't waste big bucks on concert tickets and find you don't know or enjoy most of the music that gets played. It's bad about offensive material being able to get on there so easily

Video I would choose:
Any video from U2 live @ Red Rocks because 25 yrs later, the music's still great.

Week 8 Discovering Web 2.0 tools
Had a look at
I like this site - I did a search and the results page was nice and uncluttered.The info about the books was clearly presented with good descriptions of the condition of the books. There were highlighted terms with more in depth explanations of what they were. I didn't like the fact that there were no books covers shown and no blurbs about the book contents.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week 7
Have been looking at the 3 social networking sites. Myspace has some neat features like being able to customise your profile using colour and fonts - I like the idea of being able to individualise the profile in detail. I also like the interests and zodiac fields. I'm not interested in the music or video options but seeing other people's karaoke attempts would be fun, but I wouldn't use it myself! I don't really like the classifieds option as it will probably grow and grow and become another Trademe. Trademe is great but we don't need it on this site.
Facebook doesn't appeal to me so much because of the ads - they're annoying and take up room on the page - it would be nice to be ad free sometimes. I don't like the Gifts idea -it's an easy way out and doesn't require any effort or thought, and someone' s making money out of it. Also I don't like the Marketplace for the same reasons as I don't like the classifieds in Myspace. Things I like are being able to add tags and newsfeeds. Also the birthdays and events notices are good. The privacy settings having to be changed to stop everyone from seeing your details seems to me to be the wrong way round - you should have to make changes to let anyone see your details. People could easily get caught out by this.
Bebo is the least interesting site to me - it's very teen oriented. I'm not into music, videos or being unable to live without a mobile phone, or options like quizzes or polls. It is good having a default private setting when an account is created unlike Facebook, and Bebo's 3 privacy options are good.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week 8
This is quite a useful tool. I looked at Zoho Invoice and having the templates all set up for you already would save alot of time instead of having to create your own from scratch. It looks very comprehensive. There are lots of features and detail on the templates - it seems to cover everything you could need to set up invoices and accounts for your company. It gives for example a range of templates in different styles and layouts that could be used for doing an estimate, say.
Very useful, especially as it could be accessed from any PC.

Week 6 Library 2 and Web 2

Web 2 has lots of uses for libraries - it allows sharing of resources such as catalogues. Instead of each library having its own catalogue where they can all share 1 huge catalogue. This means less duplication (and less work!) so instead of everyone cataloguing the same book onto their own inhouse system, only 1 person has to catalogue the item once and it's on the shared mega catalogue.
Using Web 2 features makes it possible for blogs to be set up and for customers to give feedback to libraries in a way that is more convenient for them.
If RSS feeds are an option, individuals can choose exactly what information they want to receive from the library and they can arrange them in order from the most relevant to least relevant to their needs at the time. They can customise their relationship with the library.
Web 2 has endless possibilities for use by libraries to reach their customers and give a better individualised service and therefore (hopefully) better customer satisfaction.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Looked at Technorati. My search for Learning 2.0 brought up blog posts but no tags or directory. The post had a mix of relevant and irrelevant articles. Some were about web 2.0 and some only brought up the word learning in the blog, so a lot of unwanted stuff appearing along with the wanted.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 6 Looked at You can add tags to your bookmarked sites - the tags are like subject headings and they help you remember what it is on the site that you are interested in. Useful for study and doing assignments. Bookmarked sites can be seen by others and so they can also benefit from your research.