Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week 9
Had a look on Youtube. Great if you're really into music as you can get to see videos from lots of concerts around the world that you could never get to or afford to go to. Also you don't waste big bucks on concert tickets and find you don't know or enjoy most of the music that gets played. It's bad about offensive material being able to get on there so easily

Video I would choose:
Any video from U2 live @ Red Rocks because 25 yrs later, the music's still great.

Week 8 Discovering Web 2.0 tools
Had a look at
I like this site - I did a search and the results page was nice and uncluttered.The info about the books was clearly presented with good descriptions of the condition of the books. There were highlighted terms with more in depth explanations of what they were. I didn't like the fact that there were no books covers shown and no blurbs about the book contents.