Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 5!

What is a wiki?
It's a site where you can go and find information on a topic of your interest, and where you or anybody else can edit what is there or add more information or comments. Anybody can set up a wiki. You don't need any knowledge of web design, just create a new link with a name, and you've set up a new wiki.

Why is it useful for librarians?
As anybody can access it, it provides collective knowledge that can be added to, so each library is not working on its own and coming up with the same ideas and therefore repeating what somebody else has done.
It enables librarians to learn about other's experiences, e.g. in using a particular type of software or maybe their evaluation of a training course they've attended etc.
Information on conferences, meetings etc. can be posted on a wiki that others may be interested in attending.

Wikis could be very useful in getting information, provided you are able to sift out the rubbish from the facts.

This is week 3 of my training. I found this photo on image generator and copied it here.

I have been to LibraryThing and created an account, then added 6 books to my list.

For Rollyo I selected book stores and put in websites for four local bookstores.

Monday, July 21, 2008

This is Week 4 of my Manukaulearn training (I know I haven't done Week 3 yet - it's in the too hard basket at the moment!).

I didn't think I had any hope of working out how to do this exercise by myself but was pleasantly shocked to find I could do it without any help! A good feeling.

I signed into Flickr and went to Explore popular tags, then chose an image which I saved to my computer. From there it was quite easy to copy it to my blog.

This is a nice view of the beautiful city of Vancouver where I spent 4 days in 1998. It was summer, shorts and T-shirt weather and really hot. A lovely city with a great park.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

I'v just learnt how to add feeds to my blog. It was fun but the instructions weren't working. Luckily my superuser was here to help! Feeds are a great idea to save time and to just have what you're really interested in seeing. Could spend ages though reading through all the feeds...

My link is